Breastfed babies may be deficient in Vitamin D, reveals study


For most mothers who exclusively breastfeed their babies, this study could be a damper. Read on to know what your balanced diet should look like.

Most paediatricians suggest that mothers must exclusively breastfeed infants until at least six months of age. Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of infections in babies and even lessen the probability of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

However, a study suggests that breastfed infants may not be getting enough of vitamin D, as their mothers choose not to to give them supplement drops.

Since breast milk doesn’t contain enough vitamin D required by a baby, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that nursing mums give their babies a daily dose of Vitamin D supplements. If not, the mum can consume the relevant dose of Vitamin D supplements daily, so that the baby gets his share.

While breast milk is a widely recommended food for babies, what’s also important is for the lactating mother to take care of her diet. It’s essential for a nursing mum to ensue that she has a balanced diet so as to provide her baby with nutritious and self-sufficient breast milk. Not considering the cultural differences, according to WebMD, here are some food items a breastfeeding mum have, as part of her balanced diet:

Low-fat dairy products: You can have it in the form of curd, cheese, or milk. But make sure you do have it daily. One of the best sources of calcium, proteins and vitamin B, dairy products give your bones that much-needed strength.

Meat and poultry: Rich in proteins, iron and Vitamin B-12, lactating mums need an extra serving of this to keep their energy level high and have nutritious breastmilk supply.

Legumes: Another rich source of iron, beans, particularly dark-coloured ones like kidney beans and black beans are great breastfeeding food for nursing mums.

Citrus fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, tangerines are all amazing energy-boosting foods, rich in Vitamin C.

Eggs: This is one food that can be had so many different ways that you won’t get bored of it. Add to that, they are rich in proteins. Opt for DHA-fortified eggs to boost the level of this essential fatty acid in your milk.

Brown rice: While you may be already eyeing the weighing scale, avoid cutting down on carbs completely. Losing weight too quickly may affect milk production. Mix healthy, whole-grain carbs like brown rice into your diet to keep your energy levels up and make the best-quality milk for your baby.

Leafy Greens: Leafy green vegetables like spinach, dil, and fenugreek are rich in Vitamin A and healthy antioxidants. What’s more, they’re a good non-dairy source of calcium and contain Vitamin C and iron.

Fluids: Yes, count it in the list of things to be had as a part of your balanced diet while nursing. In order to stay well-hydrated and to keep your energy levels and milk-production up, you must keep having fluids in the form of juices, coconut water and good old H2O. Whatever it is, keep your fluid intake high. Of course, avoid drinks like coffee, tea and alcohol if you don’t want an irritable baby in hand.

While these are some of the best foods that you can have as a lactating mother, consult a specialist to figure out the right amount of each item to be had. This is especially essential if you have had health complications or allergies of any sort.

Also READ: 10 Things you need to know about breastfeeding


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