Boy dies of undiagnosed leukaemia despite visiting 35 doctors


The family claimed that the 20-month-old was repeatedly failed by medics who should have spotted his leukaemia.

Of course you want to make sure that, as parents, your children get the best medical care possible. You want the best doctors, the best facilities, and the best medicines. Sadly, things don’t happen as you want them to.

English parents Kulvinder and Jaspal, from Wolverhampton, has sought medical help over 35 times, with different doctors. This included 12 visits to the general practitioners, six trips to New Cross Hospital and to medical walk-in centres.

What he had been exhibiting were bleeding gums, bruising, a rash, lump on his head and a tendency to falling over. But blood tests were never performed.

All the doctors they consulted with failed to find out what was wrong with their child Ryan—until it was too late.

By the time the leukaemia was finally discovered, Ryan had spent two days at the intensive care unit at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Shortly thereafter he died.

boy dies of undiagnosed leukaemia

Boy dies of undiagnosed leukemia even after family sought medical help up to 35 times; Photo courtesy: Birmingham Mail

“Ryan’s inquest heard of repeated failings to spot so-called ‘red flag markers’ of leukaemia which was missed by doctors at New Cross and the city’s Raynor Road Medical Centre,” reports said.

It’s possible that there’s a mistake in the doctors’ diagnosis. Science, after all, is an imperfect art. But we sometimes we should reply on our gut feel and instincts.

If you think something is wrong, it doesn’t hurt to consult other professionals. Are you unsure of your child’s diagnosis, and you feel like you needed to get a second opinion? Here’s a brief guide that you can follow:

  • Let your usual treating health professional know
  • Be clear in your mind about what the reason for the second opinion
  • Be open with the new health professional that you are seeking a second opinion
  • Second opinions may lead to spending more time and effort
  • Don’t consider the internet to be the final word on second opinions

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