The new 'honey wrap'? The magical Ayurvedic onion remedy for the stubborn cough in kids


Try this gentle, yet effective Ayurvedic natural remedy on your child's deep-seated cough today...

Kids’ coughs can be the bane of any parent’s life. There’s the wet cough, the dry cough and the dreaded stubborn cough (usually phlegmy) that often lingers for weeks.

Each type of cough is bad in its own way, but personally, I find the lingering phlegmy cough to be the worst.

It’s not just the agony of enduring the never-ending coughing sessions that keep both me and my kids up night after night. It’s also the anxiety that arises about how to cure it.

Giving kids over-the-counter medications for any kind of cough is generally not recommended. Medical experts say that kids’ cough and cold medicines don’t really help and may pose a risk (although small) of side effects, especially to young children.

And when your child has a lingering cough, it’s definitely not wise to continue giving him or her pharmacy-bought medications on a long-term basis.

So what’s a parent to do when their child has a lingering cough?

They could try the magical Ayurvedic onion remedy for the cough that won’t go away!

Dr. Sharada Hall* is a mum of two, and a US-based Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Ayurvedic practitioner.

On her website, Dr. Hall shares a remarkable natural remedy she says works 100% to cure a deep-seated wet cough in both adults and children.

The star ingredient in this Ayurvedic remedy is a very common kitchen ingredient: the onion. Dr. Hall explains that both Ayurveda and herbal folk wisdom have suggested this onion solution for lingering coughs for centuries.

And it’s really no surprise given the remarkable range of health benefits contained in the humble onion as also proven by scientific research, including anticarcinogenic properties, antiplatelet activity, antithrombotic activity, antiasthmatic and antibiotic effects.

The onion remedy: it works, and it’s safe

Dr. Hall has used the onion remedy for deep-seated cough on her own kids with great success and says this magical poultice is safe for everyone, including toddlers and babies.

The only safety precaution you need to take is to make sure the onions are not so hot that they burn the skin.

The treatment can be repeated, if needed, for several days in a row. However, Dr. Hall says she’s never had to do it more than twice to cure a stubborn cough.

How to make the onion poultice for stubborn coughs

  • Chop an onion or a couple of them, depending on the size of the person who needs the treatment. For a three year old child, one onion is enough. For increased antibiotic effect, you can throw in a few chopped garlic cloves.
  • Steam the onion (and garlic) for about five minutes.
  • Mix the hot onions (and garlic) in a bowl with a few tablespoons of corn starch and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Let the mixture cool for a minute.
  • Place the whole mixture in a natural fibre cloth and fold several times to form the poultice.
  • Place the cloth on the chest of the person with the cough, with a heating pad or hot water bottle on top of the poultice*. Keep it on for 30 minutes.
  • If desired, you may then repeat with the poultice on the mid to upper back for another 30 minutes.

*Please ensure the heat is not excessive, especially if using on a child or baby.

Watch how to make the poultice now:

*Dr. Hall’s permission was obtained to share this natural remedy. 

**Always seek a doctor’s opinion first when it comes to the health and wellbeing of your child. 

Do give this gentle and effective natural remedy a try and let us know how it works. Just leave a comment below. 

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