Ask the Expert: Special on C-Sections


Pain relief, side effects and recovery. We at thank you for your queries on C-Sections submitted in conjunction with Nestle’s Ask the Expert series.

In this special segment on Caesarean Sections, Dr Ang Huai Yan, Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Gleneagles Hospital, returns once again with advice for mothers contemplating the procedure, whether as a safer choice (elective C-section) or a mandatory alternative (for women where the option has been recommended by their doctor due to specific reasons). Never heard of an epidural before and wondering what spinal anesthesia is? Find out all this and more right here!

In this educational session, Dr Ang touches primarily on the reasons why some pregnant mothers are advised to opt for a C-Section rather than a natural birth; the three different types of pain relief options widely administered; the possible side effects from the procedure; as well as post-surgery care and recovery.

While normally a seamless process, right from pre-surgery to during and after, it is crucial that mums who have decided to go with this choice of delivery understand both the risks and benefits involved in a C-Section. Like with anything intrusive, medically, complications can occur and sometimes do, but it is really what the mother does at every stage which determines the end result, but of course with the help and guidance of her doctor.

Elective C-Sections

This is a scheduled operation to deliver the baby before the labour pains arrive. The surgery is usually recommended by the doctor because of maternal complications such as poorly controlled gestational diabetes and uncontrolled blood pressure of fetal conditions such as breech presentation.

An increasing number of women are opting for elective C-Sections and to cater to this group, a proper structure is in place in that, a mother will be:
• Counseled on the risks and benefits of such a procedure
• Required to present to the hospital written consent to proceed

Mothers undergoing a C-Section will be required to fast for at least six hours prior because of the anesthesia that will be administered before surgery.

Also, it is important that your bowels are empty and for this, the attending physician simply administers a fleet enema. Following this step, a urinary catheter will be inserted and the area where the incision goes will be shaved. These are just a few elements to consider when preparing for a C-Section.

For further information on the above and advice on C-Section pain relief options, side effects, post-operation care, patient recovery and more watch the video above.

While there is still no scientifically-established number of C-Sections which are safe, repeated surgery increases the chance and risk of adhesions and placenta accreta in patients, making operating on her much more complicated with the added risk of danger to the mother.

For these reasons, it is encouraged that a mother educates herself on C-Sections thoroughly before making her final decision. To kick start that process, watch Dr Ang’s video and consult your doctor. We hope the video was beneficial to you.

Nestlé Start Healthy Stay HealthyTM helps mothers nurture happy, healthy babies, one baby at a time.

Watch out the video to find out more

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