Ask the Expert: Child Development


Have a question about your child's development? Ask Dr Janice Wong. This ask the expert has been brought to you by Pfizer.

A child’s development starts the moment he or she is born and you, as a parent, are regularly trying to help with his or her intellectual, lingual, social, emotional and physical development.You also understand that as your child goes through the different stages of development from prenatal to infant, toddler, school age and above, his or her needs will vary.With an array of information on child development out there, it’s easy to become overwhelmed or confused. Perhaps you find yourself wondering about some of the issues below?
– What are the different stages of intellectual development and how do I help my child in each stage?
– How do I improve my child’s language capabilities such as vocabulary, spelling, grammar and pronunciation?
– How do I deal with my child’s temper tantrums?
– Why does my child dislike playing with other children of his age?
– I feel that my child is gaining too much weight. Is he overweight? What do I do?If any of the points above sound familiar or if you have other questions about your child’s development; we are here to help just you.


About Dr Janice Wong
Dr Janice Wong graduated from the University of Sheffield with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degree in 1996. Her post-graduate qualification includes a Membership of The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, United Kingdom, with a distinction in paediatric medicine. She is also a Member of the Singapore Paediatric Society, Asian Oceanic Child Neurology Society and Australia/New Zealand Child Neurology Society. Dr Wong has undergone advanced training in paediatric neurology and neuro-rehabilitation. In Singapore, she is the only trained neuro-rehabilitation physician, and the first paediatrician in private practice able to perform botulinum toxin therapy for spasticity disorders in children.


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