Ask the expert about allergies


Allergies often occur unexpectedly, and there’s no real way of deciphering what your child is allergic to. Yet, this happens to be one of the most common problems that affect a child’s health. With various forms including, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, asthma, allergic rhinitis and more, is there really a way to prevent these from occurring?


Ask the expert regarding your child’s allergies

We help you find ways to help your child throughout their toddler years.

Nestlé and theAsianparent have teamed up to help you!

Our Expert Doctor for this week, Dr Chiang Wen Chin, will take questions posted by you regarding allergies. Your questions will be looked through and answered by Dr Chiang Wen Chin the week after next. The detailed answers will be presented in both video and text formats.

About the expert

Dr. Chiang Wen Chin is a Pediatric allergy expert from Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre. Dr Chiang Wen Chin obtained her Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from the Nottingham University, United Kingdom. We were very particular about our experts’ qualifications, so we ensured she had them all! Dr. Chiang obtained her specialist qualifications of Master of Medicine in Paediatrics and membership to the Royal College of Physicians (United Kingdom) in 2001. Her sub-speciality interests include management of children with food allergies, asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, drug allergies, sublingual immunotherapy and immunodeficiency.

About Nestlé  Start Healthy, Stay Healthy

Nestlé Start Healthy Stay Healthy™ is Nestlé’s commitment to help support the healthy growth and development of babies by helping mothers establish healthy eating habits for them at each developmental stage. Nutrition in the first 1,500 days has a major impact on a child’s future.Ask the expert about allergies

1,500 days – It’s the time it takes to change the destiny of a child for the better, to help him develop to his full potential. At Nestlé, our vision is to help mothers ensure children receive good nutrition from conception, through pregnancy and breastfeeding, at weaning time and stage appropriate feeding choices all through toddlerhood. To deliver on that belief, Nestlé combines science, education and product innovation.


Nestlé Start Healthy Stay Healthy™ helps mothers nurture happy, healthy babies, one baby at a time.

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Related: Is my baby allergic to formula?

Related: Food to prevent allergy

Related: Are any babies allergic to their mother’s milk?

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