AI in Class Divides Opinion as Singapore Universities Embrace Technology

As parents, it's essential to stay informed about the evolving role of AI in higher education and engage in open discussions with your children about its potential benefits and challenges.

The world of higher education is buzzing with excitement as artificial intelligence (AI) makes its way into classrooms across Singapore. In recent years, the integration of AI in class has been gaining momentum across universities in Singapore. 

From creating lifelike videos to enhancing learning experiences, AI is reshaping the way our kids engage with their coursework.

But hold on tight, because while some students are all aboard the AI train, others are expressing mixed feelings about this high-tech takeover.


SMU Students Create Lifelike K-pop Video

AI in Class Divides Opinion as Singapore Universities Embrace Technology Source: The Strait Times

At Singapore Management University (SMU), final-year student Shannon Wong and her team decided to give their communications project a futuristic twist by harnessing the power of AI.

With the help of an AI tool, they conjured up a realistic representation of pop star Karina from the popular Korean girl group Aespa.

The South Korean firm, acting as the project's client, was so impressed by the authenticity and presentation skills of the AI-generated character that they might just consider replacing their human stars! (Just kidding, Karina. You're irreplaceable.)

"The AI tool allowed us to clone Karina's voice, adding another layer of authenticity to our creation and allowing us to craft a compelling video that resonated with audiences on a deeper level," said Ms. Wong. 


AI in Class is Enhancing Marketing Strategies

AI in Class Divides Opinion as Singapore Universities Embrace Technology Source: The Strait Times

SMU third-year student Beckham Lim believes that AI tools can provide a competitive edge in formulating winning ad campaigns.

"The marketing landscape is becoming increasingly saturated and cluttered," he said. "To craft winning strategies, marketers will need to be more innovative. So, I am definitely a proponent of using AI, especially in marketing."


AI in Class is Customizing Learning Experiences at NUS

The National University of Singapore (NUS) has also jumped on the AI bandwagon, using it to cater to students' diverse learning needs.

Associate Professor Melvin Yap, associate provost of education and technology at NUS, shared, "Our experience with leveraging AI has been very positive. It has enabled our educators to customise better instructional approaches for more effective learning, and cater to students' diverse learning styles."

Who needs a one-size-fits-all education when you can have an AI-tailored learning experience?

NUS Master of Computing student Ng Shi Kang emphasized the importance of keeping pace with real-world developments, stating,

"Keeping up with new technologies and exposing students to the best practices and latest developments in research will allow us to gain a deeper understanding of how algorithms and other concepts are applied in solving real-world problems."

In other words, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you better befriend AI!

NTU Singapore is ranked among worlds Top 12 universities | NTU Singapore Source: NTU Singapore

Cautious Approach at NTU

While AI is making strides in higher education, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is taking a more cautious approach.

Professor Tan Ooi Kiang, deputy provost for education at NTU, said, "For instance, large language models have been known to generate incorrect or misleading results, so the university discourages the use of technology for auto-grading."

Well, it looks like AI won't be replacing our professors anytime soon!

NTU student Yajat Gulati acknowledged the potential of AI as an educational tool but expressed concerns about its misuse.

"For someone who is maybe not so interested in the lesson, AI can become a tempting way to cheat, to get out of doing the work," he said.

Ah, the age-old battle between technology and academic integrity!


The Importance of the Learning Process

AI in Class Divides Opinion as Singapore Universities Embrace Technology Source: The Strait Times

Despite the benefits of AI in class, some students emphasize the significance of the learning process itself.

SMU second-year undergraduate Aviel Lim questioned the value of relying too heavily on AI tools. "I do not think that AI use should be incorporated in all university courses. I think it is through the learning process that we get to practise our skills and develop them further," she said. "What is the point of paying so much money just to use AI tools? Why then even go to university in the first place?"

As parents, it's essential to stay informed about the evolving role of AI in higher education and engage in open discussions with your children about its potential benefits and challenges.

By fostering a balanced perspective and encouraging critical thinking, you can help your kids navigate this new landscape and make the most of their university experience. And who knows, maybe one day they'll be teaching AI a thing or two!


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