A father's love melts the hearts of netizens around the world


This dedicated policeman couldn't be with his sick toddler because he was busy rescuing people stranded in a snowstorm. Read this sweet story now...

A dad’s love knows no boundaries — and in extreme circumstances, his love and caring sometimes has to extend to others in need over the that of his own children.

Samirjan Abliz is a police officer in China and recently, he couldn’t be home to look after his two-year-old son who had a bad cold — because he was busy saving people from a snowstorm in Urumqi, located in far east China.

However, over the next few days the little boy’s cold took a turn for the worse and he developed pneumonia and had to be hospitalised. But Samirjan still ouldn’t leave his duty, according to CCTV news.

Reports quote the dedicated police officer as saying that if he had gone back, “many others would still be stranded in the storm and that he had a responsibility to fulfill.”

Samirjan could only be with his son six days later and his wife captured the moment when the dedicated police officer and loving dad finally got the chance to cuddle his son while getting some well-earned sleep. 


Father’s love melts hearts online Samirjan Abliz could not be home to take care of his two-year-old son while he… Posted by CCTVNews on Saturday, 19 December 2015

Not long after the photo was posted online, it started getting the attention and love of admiring netizens, says CCTV News.

“A responsible person will not deter from his responsibility for anything. [He is] a police officer and father. Pay tribute to all the police,” commented @Weiweian_van.

“I am moved. I think our society needs proactive people and positive element,” said @Huihuiyixianghenqingcheng.

“People who dedicate themselves to work and the society are respectable,” said @linlinftnmt.

We think Samirjan is an awesome dad and is going to be such a strong role model to his little boy!

Do share your thoughts on this story below, in a comment. 

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