Go on your date with your spouse


If the romance in your relationship is fading away, bring it back by dating your spouse.

Once a couple is married and the children come along, it is quite easy for the romance to slide downwards. However, it is very important to keep this romance alive and kicking in order to have a fantastic relationship with your spouse.

One way you can do this is by setting aside some time every week to go on a date with your spouse. However, once the date is set, don’t skip it. You can leave the children in the care of grandparents or friends and go out.

Remember – the date should be about being together. Take the opportunity to reconnect with your beloved. Talk about anything other than the kids. For example, you can talk about your aspirations and dreams. Reiterate your love for your spouse. Hold hands, touch, kiss as all these activities will go a long way in strengthening your bond.

Do whatever works for you – it could be a romantic stroll in the park, a cozy dinner or even going out on a motorbike! The idea is to have fun doing things together, like you used to do earlier. Be silly, be foolish, be funny – just let go of the daily humdrum and be yourself.

Enjoy your time with your partner. You won’t even realize that you are actually creating memories that the two of you will cherish throughout your life.

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