25 Embarrassing Pregnancy Questions Answered
![Embarrassing pregnancy questions](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/shutterstock_185858861.jpg)
Embarrassing pregnancy questions
Pregnancy can feel very much like puberty with all the changes going on in your body. It is not unusual for pregnant women to be inundated with embarrassing pregnancy questions, which they may not feel comfortable asking.
We've compiled 25 embarrassing questions to help you with the answers to some of them.
![Why do I have hair growing everywhere?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/19.jpg)
Why do I have hair growing everywhere?
It is quite normal to have thicker hair during pregnancy, but I’m sure you’re not used to having hair on your breasts, stomach, legs and even your face.
Mums to be usually start to experience hair growth in the first trimester when the levels of androgens in their systems increase.
Unwanted hair growth is usually a temporary condition that will resolve itself 3-6 months after you give birth. In the mean time shave and pluck more!
![Why do I have body odour?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/18.jpg)
Why do I have body odour?
Body odour is, like almost everything else, associated with those pregnancy hormones, the increase in body fluid, and increased metabolism, which causes you to perspire more than usual.
Just take more showers and watch what you eat too, as diet can have a huge effect on body odour. Try to stay away from very pungent foods such as onions, garlic, and currys or anything else containing strong spices.
![Why am I swinging from happy to sad?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/emotional.jpg)
Why am I swinging from happy to sad?
Excessive hormones during pregnancy can mess around with your moods – often resulting in mood swings. So don’t beat yourself up when you switch from feeling annoyed to near breakdown mode.
![What is this dark line on my belly?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/skin.jpg)
What is this dark line on my belly?
Linea negra, the scientific term for the dark line that appears on the belly that many pregnant women experience is the result of increased estrogen levels. This is the reason your nipples are darker than you’re used to.
![Why is my vagina swelling?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/4.jpg)
Why is my vagina swelling?
Like your sex dreams, vagina swelling is the result of extra blood flow surging through your genitals. It can also be due to your pelvic joints preparing for the day of delivery, and your baby putting more pressure on your pelvic area.
![Why does my back ache?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/backpain.jpg)
Why does my back ache?
With the weight you’re gaining from the baby, your centre of gravity has changed and the pressure is pulling on your back and hormones are causing the ligaments in your pelvis to relax. You can try sleeping on your side with your knees bent and with the help of pregnancy support pillows to ease the discomfort.
![Why am I drooling so much?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/drool.jpg)
Why am I drooling so much?
During pregnancy, all the fluids in the body increase - blood, mucous, and, yes...saliva. There is nothing much you can do about it but to just to change your pillow covers frequently, not fall asleep in public and try not to drool on the husband too much – though he shouldn’t mind too much.
![Why do I feel constipated?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/1.jpg)
Why do I feel constipated?
It is common to suffer from constipation during pregnancy. It’s just one of the side-effects from your surging hormones.
Don’t worry too much about it — just drink lots of water and eat plenty of fibre rich foods. Exercise regularly to keep muscles toned and avoid iron supplements.
![Why is there vaginal fluid leaking?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/2.jpg)
Why is there vaginal fluid leaking?
This may be embarrassing to talk about, but really it’s quite normal to feel wetter down there during the first trimester. This vaginal discharge can feel like you’re leaking but the culprit behind this wetness is the hormone progesterone.
If the fluid is urine then practice kegel exercises--contracting and releasing the muscles around the vagina. This helps some women control their bladder.
![Why do I keep having sex dreams?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/3.jpg)
Why do I keep having sex dreams?
Why question them when you can enjoy them! But if you really insist, according to Parents.com, sex dreams during pregnancy are due to the "extra blood flowing to your genitals, raised oestrogen levels that increase vaginal secretions, and sensitive, enlarged breasts, which mean your sex drive may be raging." So as we said, why question them. Enjoy them.
![I am snoring like a bull dozer](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/snore.jpg)
I am snoring like a bull dozer
The congestion and stuffiness resembles most like cold symptoms, but remember not use over-the-counter cold medications to treat them as it isn’t a virus - it's the hormones. Your snoring should usually clear once the baby is out.
![Why do I get contractions after sex?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/6.jpg)
Why do I get contractions after sex?
This is quite common as a matter of fact. According to Parents.com, these feelings of contractions may be the result of an orgasm and (or) prostaglandis in semen. If this happens, put your feet up and have a glass of water. However, if you’re at risk of a preterm birth, your doctor may disallow you from having sex because it can cause uterine contractions.
![What if my water breaks in public?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/7.jpg)
What if my water breaks in public?
I am sure most pregnant women have had nightmares about this too, although it is probably not as dramatic as you imagine it to be. Your water does not just pour out of your vagina and flood the floor; it is usually just a continuous trickle of fluid. But if you do flood the floor, just go to the hospital. There’s really nothing else you can do at that time. And relax, you are having a baby after all.
![Will I poop during delivery?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/8.jpg)
Will I poop during delivery?
It could happen. But if you’re going into natural birth, your body can go through some changes during pre-labour, which includes mild to moderate diarrhea. But don’t worry too much about it because you’ll be too busy with other things by then.
![Will grooming my private parts affect my baby?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/9.jpg)
Will grooming my private parts affect my baby?
Probably not. You probably won’t even be able to reach down there when you’re in your second or third trimester. If you must, then go to the spa instead. But be careful of waxing, since your skin will be more sensitive during pregnancy.
![Why are my breasts so itchy?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/17.jpg)
Why are my breasts so itchy?
Your skin may feel itchy, especially so in the areas that expand, like your tummy or your breasts. Avoid scratching them. There are ways to lessen the itch such as applying special creams or coconut oil.
![Will my baby get squashed when my bladder is full?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/20.jpg)
Will my baby get squashed when my bladder is full?
Your baby won’t get squished but your baby is probably going to kick your full bladder. You may also get cramps and mini-contractions when your bladder is too full.
![How do I handle vomiting in public?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/11.jpg)
How do I handle vomiting in public?
You start by bringing plastic bags and keeping enough of them handy enough to reach, like in your hand bag, in your car - basically where ever you can get to them conveniently. Identify the closest washroom, should you need to make a dash for one.
![Can babies fart in the uterus?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/5.jpg)
Can babies fart in the uterus?
Well the foetuses don’t fart but they do urinate. Don’t think the latter fact will quell your anxieties much more than before. But if you’re gassy, your baby can hear that because the baby is close to your intestines, if they are around 10 weeks, says a new research reported by WebMD.
![Why do I have teenage acne?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/12.jpg)
Why do I have teenage acne?
You must be thinking—all those sayings about the "pregnancy glow" are so false. But the pregnancy experience can differ from woman to woman, and it can be nightmarish for some women. Hormones surge during pregnancy, just like they did when you underwent puberty. According to WhatToExpect.com, acne during pregnancy can be due to the extra fluid in your body as well as the surging hormones.
Definitely a frustrating side effect but nothing that a trip to your dermatologist can't cure.
![Why am I farting all the time?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/13.jpg)
Why am I farting all the time?
Pregnant women may experience gas and bloating like never before, normally in the first trimester. We’re not going to lie about how it smells– its bad ladies. It is, unfortunately for your husband, unavoidable.
Again, it’s all thanks to the hormone progesterone; remember that's the one that causes your constipation as well.
![Where did my sex drive go?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/14.jpg)
Where did my sex drive go?
Although some women’s sex drive increases during pregnancy, others are not as fortunate. It is understandable that you feel nauseous, fatigued, unattractive, and stressed out. A lack of sex drive is not uncommon because of these reasons.
![Why do I get shooting pains in my vagina?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/15.jpg)
Why do I get shooting pains in my vagina?
Shooting pains can feel very strange when you’re pregnant. You can blame it on the weight of your foetus.
![Can the baby feel when we have sex?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/16.jpg)
Can the baby feel when we have sex?
Your baby won’t be able to feel the act of sex, but it may be able to feel some of your reactions. The baby may also move a lot more because of the increase in your heart rate.
![Can you go to the bathroom when you’re in labour?](https://static.cdntap.com/tap-assets-prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/blogs.dir/1/files/20-embarrassing-pregnancy-questions/10.jpg)
Can you go to the bathroom when you’re in labour?
Yes, definitely. But let us tell you that when you’re in labour, you won’t be thinking about questions of this sort.